What is a Total Knee Replacement and How Does it Help?

Knee replacement surgery is the surgical treatment to remove the damaged part of the knee and replace it with an artificial knee implant. This treatment can eliminate pain and restore mobility to the affected knee. Now being conducted on an outpatient basis at the Integrated Spine Institute—this procedure allows patients to return home the same day, and recover from surgery in the privacy of their own home. 

If you are suffering from joint painin the knee, take the first step to finding relief with our free interactive pain assessment below.

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Do I Need a Total Knee Replacement?

Total knee replacement (arthroplasty) is the surgical resurfacing of the worn out or damaged surfaces of the knee joint, which are removed and replaced with artificial parts. Total knee replacement surgery is commonly used to treat knee pain that has been unresponsive to conservative treatment options. 

The knee is made up of the thigh bone (femur), the shin bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella). The soft cartilage between the femur and tibia, serves as a cushion to help absorb shock during motion. Arthritis, injury, or other diseases of the joint can damage this protective layer, causing extreme pain and difficulty while performing daily activities.

Knee pain can develop over time, as seen in osteoarthritis, however a doctor may advise total knee replacement if you experience any of the following symptoms: 

  • A popping or snapping noise in or around the knee.
  • Feel like your knee gave out while walking, running, jumping, or turning.
  • Have severe joint pain, pain in the knee, pain in the kneecap, or pain behind the knee.
  • Cannot bend or move the knee.
  • Begin limping or are unable to walk comfortably.
  • Have swelling of the knee, joint, or calf area.
  • Medication and therapy do not offer enough relief.

You don’t need to live in pain — and the experts at the Integrated Spine Institute can help. If you think total knee replacement is the right path for you, confirm your treatment using our assessment below.

Am I a Candidate for Total Knee Replacement?

Total knee replacement surgery is usually indicated for severe osteoarthritis of the knee — the most common form of knee arthritis in which the joint cartilage gradually wears away, often over time as we age. There are a number of conditions and factors that can cause a need for a total knee replacement, including:

  • Injury or trauma to the joint
  • Fractures at the knee joint
  • Increased body weight
  • Repetitive overuse
  • Joint infection
  • Inflammation of the joint
  • Connective tissue disorders

The advantages of this a total knee replacement include a shorter recovery period, reduced postoperative pain, less blood loss during the procedure, shorter hospital stay, a better-increased range of motion after the surgery, and less damage to surrounding tissues.

To be a candidate for outpatient total knee replacement at the Integrated Spine Institute, one must have no severe bone loss around the knee. There should be no prior history of knee surgery.

Approximately 90% of total knee replacement patients see a dramatic reduction in knee pain. Patients also see a significant improvement in the ability to perform daily activities. Many discover that their total knee replacement allows them to do more than they could before their injury  condition began. 

If you find difficulty in performing simple activities such as walking or climbing stairs because of your severe knee pain, a total knee replacement may be an option for you. Find out if you’re a candidate for a total knee replacement at the Integrated Spine Institute below. 

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